This game should be relaxing and fun, but as other reviewers have pointed out there are some major gameplay flaws that make it almost impossible to progress to high levels.
1. The game will often provide darker tiles than you have, which is very annoying and takes a long time to fix in the game. If youre at a fast level, It will make you lose very quickly. This is infuriating when youve made no errors yourself but then the game makes them for you.
2. The response time is very poor. If youre at a high level, the blocks often wont even go where you click. This also makes it extremely hard to get to higher levels.
3. The "welcome back" Game Center banner covers up incoming tiles. Even though its only for 3 seconds, it can ruin your game if you paused at a fast level. To fix it, I wait for the banner to appear before clicking "resume game." I dont think developers can do anything about this, but Im putting it here for players to note.
Again, its a very well designed game. But these flaws make it almost not worth playing at all. Please at least fix the darker tile problem.
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